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CT, United States
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Joe Val Photos

Audie Blaylock and Redline performed on Saturday and Sunday to a full house. The talent in this band is incredible and when you consider that other than Audie the rest of the band, Rodney Worley (mandolin), Matt Wallace (bass), Evan Ward (banjo) and Patrick McAvinue (fiddle) are teens or barely out of their teens.
The Abrams Brothers

Chris Stapleton of the Steeldrivers. Deep whiskey voice with an attitude, gotta love it. The Steeldrivers lived up to their reputation, hard driving , great timing and right on harmony. The audience loved their set and showed it by their applause. The Abrams Brothers were a huge hit also, they received a standing ovation at the finish of their set and they were surrounded by fans for at least an hour out at the CD sales table.