Danny Paisley always gives his all, never a let down, high energy all the way. He did four sets over the weekend,all of them sensational. From heartbreakers like "The Room Over Mine," which is the title of his new Rounder release,and "The Convict and The Rose," to lightning fast tunes such as "I'm Leaving Detroit." Dan and his superpicking sidekicks deliver raw bluegrass with soul and deep felt emotion that keeps the audience either on the edge of their chairs or dancing in place. After inviting Danny on stage during their set and having him sing one, Adam Steffey remarked,"I think I just lost my liver or something," alluding to the pure power of his voice on the high parts. This band always leaves you wanting more even after four sets in two days. Danny's band mates are: Donnie Eldreth Jr. playing mandolin and lead or harmony vocals. Donnie is a gifted player and fine singer; The talented Bob Lundy on banjo and harmony vocals; Fine fiddle player Brother TJ Lundy, and Dans brother Mike Paisley holding it all together and Man, he can play the fire out of that bass. After the final set folks were screaming for more, just one more, Please.
Danny Paisley
Donnie Eldreth
Bob Lundy
Dan Paisley sings with DTB